Click on the different services below to see what is available and how you can self-refer

Referral waiting times
As a practice, we do not have information about the specific scheduling of hospital appointments. The coordination and confirmation of hospital appointments are managed directly by the hospital.
Similarly to when you contact us at the practice, our team will arrange an appointment in a suitable timeframe based on the urgency and needs of other patients. The hospital team will prioritise cancer patients, urgent cases, etc., which, whilst frustrating for you, is entirely necessary, and there may be a significant waiting time.
We understand that having clarity on appointment details in crucial for your peace of mind and planning. Rest assured that the hospital will notify you directly with the necessary information as soon as your appointment is scheduled.
If you have been referred to a Leicestershire hospital, some specialities have their waiting times available for you to see on the below link.
To find out the current average waiting times for referrals in the Midlands please visit the My Planned Care website.
You will need to select the hospital you have been referred to followed by the specialty.

Expedite requests
Have you been told to speak to your GP about getting your referral expedited by the hospital? If so, please read on.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, millions of outpatient appointments have been cancelled and delayed in the NHS.
When patients contact local hospitals to find out when they might be seen or if their symptoms and condition have worsened, they are often asked to contact their GP and request an 'expedite letter'.
This is frustrating for you and the surgery as it rarely results in appointments being brought forward and gives patients a false hope that the GP can change the waiting times.
Furthermore, it is very difficult for a GP to measure to what extent your condition has worsened. We take your word for this, and the hospital should do the same. When making decisions about who to prioritise it is only possible for the hospital to compare your condition and needs against all the other patients on their waiting list.
If you would like to request an expedite letter, please submit an admin query to us online using the link below, we will then send you a link to a questionnaire to complete with all of the necessary information.
Our medical secretaries will use this information to create the letter to forward to the hospital departments for their consideration of an expedited appointment.