"Diabetes Week is a week to make some noise, raise awareness and shout about the things that matter to people with Diabetes, shining a light on what it's like to live with day in, day out."
For more information visit: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-week
How to use the FineTest Lite glucose monitor video
Empower Type 2 Diabetes Education Course
Attending a diabetes education course is a very important part of learning the basics of how to manage your type 2 diabetes and live a healthier life – it's free, paid for by the NHS and only lasts four hours!
The course will help you understand what diabetes is, the effect it has on your body and how to make small, achievable changes to the food you eat and your everyday life.
Courses are run during the week across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland in community venues, with evening and weekend courses also available if this would suit you better.
For more information or to book on: www.empowerllr.co.uk
Diabetes Leaflets
65+ years old: Keeping well with your Type 2 Diabetes
Living with Diabetes and Dementia
Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetes: Safe driving and the DVLA
Looking after your feet when you have diabetes
How to reduce your risk of Genital Fungal Infection
Why do I sometimes feel shaky, dizzy and sweaty? Hypoglycaemia explained
Keeping safe with insulin therapy
Managing mealtime insulin
Diabetes and the menopause
Diabetes and your kidneys
Type 2 Diabetes and steroid tablets
Alcohol, Smoking and Illicit drugs: What you need to know if you have diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes: What to do when you are ill
Type 2 Diabetes: What to do when you are ill
Diabetes and travel
Diabetes and emotional well-being
Key things to remember if you use injectable medication to treat your diabetes
Diabetes and your feet - information prescription (PDF, 50KB)
Sick Day Rules - Type 1 Diabetes
Sick Day Rules - Type 2 Diabetes