Our practice offers the following facilities:
- Wheelchair accessAvailable.
- Disabled parkingAvailable.
- Disabled WCAvailable.
- Step free accessAvailable.
- Car ParkingWe only have a small amount of car park spaces available for patients to use in our car park and only one space available for disabled drivers.
We ask that you work with us and that if at all possible and if you are able, you park elsewhere and walk across to the Health Centre. Please note that the carpark is for staff and patients attending appointments at the surgery and not for the general public going to the Pharmacy.
If you are unable to park elsewhere, we ask that you ONLY park in an allocated parking space and do not use the Manager/GP reserved parking bays, Ambulance Bay and only use the Disabled Bay if you have a Disabled Badge clearly displayed in your windscreen.
To learn more, please ring our reception on 01509 239166.