Central Access Point (CAP) - 0808 800 3302
If you require urgent advice or support for your mental health, or someone you care about's mental health, you can call the Mental Health Central Access Point. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it is free of charge and available to people of all ages across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Free 24-hour mental health helpline
Telephone 0808 800 3302
If you or someone you care about need urgent advice or support for your mental health, you can call our Mental Health Central Access Point 24 hours a day, seven days a week free of charge and in confidence.
We're here to get you the support you need.
Please note, this service can be busy at certain times and you may have to wait for your call to be answered.
In an emergency
If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm - either to yourself or someone else - phone 999.
Patients of all ages experiencing a mental health crisis or concerned for family members can now benefit from support by calling 111, selecting the mental health option and speaking to a trained mental health professional.
NHS staff can guide callers with next steps such as organising face to face community support or facilitating access to alternative services, such as crisis cafes or safe havens which provide a place for people to stay as an alternative to A&E or a hospital admission.
A full list of mental health support options is available via the NHS.uk website.
Mental health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
"In partnership with the NHS, Vita Health Group offer Talking Therapy support to adults 16-years and over, who live and are registered with a GP in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland."
"If you are experiencing excessive worry, low mood, depression, anxiety or a lack of motivation then Vita can help."
Website: https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/leicester-leicestershire-rutland/
Contact number: 0330 094 5595
Self-refer online
Tellmi App
Tellmi is a free digital mental health service for adults and young people aged 11+ who live in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
It provides:
- Anonymous peer support, 365 days a year: Talk about whatever is on your mind with people who get what you are going through.
- Personalised support: Filtering by topic connects you to people who have experienced the same challenges as you.
- 100% Pre-moderation: All posts and replies are premoderated and risk assessed before publication.
- Counsellor support from 8:30pm to 11pm: In-house counsellors respond privately to all high risk posts.
- Suitable for anyone aged 11+: Tellmi is age-banded for young people aged 11-18.
- The Tellmi directory: Includes over 700 tools and resources, including local support services.
- Free, scheduled 1-2-1 Tellmi Therapy with a qualified therapist. Tellmi therapy helps you to identify the strengths you already possess so that you focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't; 75% of people who try it feel better in a single session.
Create an account by downloading the Tellmi app from the App Store or Play Store or by visiting the website:
Tellmi website
Children and Young People's (CYP) Mental Health Triage & Navigation Service
CYP Mental Health Triage and Navigation is a service that helps young people in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland access the right non urgent mental health services for their needs.
Visit their website here - https://www.myselfreferral-llr.nhs.uk/
CYP Mental Health Triage - Patient Information Leaflet (PDF, 500KB)
Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland, Children & Young People’s Directory of Mental Health & Wellbeing Services
An easy to navigate directory of mental health and wellbeing services created by young people for young people. Click, Scan & Connect with a huge number of services to find the information you need all in one place.
This directory is full of local support services that are designed to help children and young people to overcome life challenges and support with any mental health issues.
Simply scan the QR code to get the directory loaded straight onto your phone

Other Support Available
Information about national, local and online mental health support is available on the LPT website:
Mental health support - Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (leicspart.nhs.uk)