Same day appointments
- GP telephone appointment
- GP face to face appointment
- Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP)
- Nurse - minor illness
- First Contact Physio
Pre-bookable appointments
- GP telephone appointment
- GP face to face appointment
- Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP)
- Long term condition reviews (Asthma, COPD, Diabetes etc.)
- Nurse routine appointments (Dressings, Wound reviews, Cervical Screening, Vaccinations etc.)
- Healthcare assistant (Blood tests, ECG, BP)
- Midwife
- Mental health practitioners
- First Contact Physio
Extended Access
You may be offered an appointment with the Extended Access clinic outside of normal practice hours, these appointments do not take place at Woodbrook Medical Centre meaning you may be asked to attend another surgery within Loughborough.
How to book an appointment
Same day appointments:
To book a same day appointment you can:
The lines can be very busy so please persevere and a member of the team will answer as soon as they can.
Please note we have a limited number of appointments available and these will vary depending on the clinical team that is in on the day.
Pre-bookable appointments:
To book a pre-bookable GP appointment you can:
- Call from 10am
- Book online using the NHS App or SystmOnline
- Book at the reception desk from 10am
Please note these are limited and may often be for a few weeks in advance.
All other pre-bookable appointments can be arranged by calling the surgery after 10am or visiting the reception desk.
When you arrive for your appointment
If you are attending a face to face appointment at the surgery, once you arrive you can use the self check-in screen located in the reception area, this will save you having to queue.
Please note, if you are attending by car and parking in our car park you will need to enter your car registration into the terminal located at the side of the self-check in screen.
Cancelling an appointment
If you are unable to attend an appointment please let us know as soon as possible. We can then release the appointment for another patient needing to be seen.
You can cancel your appointment in one of the following ways:
If you do not notify us you will be sent a text message or letter informing you that you failed to attend. Repeated failure to attend may result in you being removed from the practice list.
Appointment and DNA figures for October 2024:
Total number of appointments that were available in November:
This includes GP's, Nurses, Physio, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Midwife, Social Prescriber, HCA's, Phlebotomist
Total number of appointments patients did not attend (DNA) in November:
This equates to 60 hours